Selected news from Clasheen

Selected news from Clasheen

Hi folks, by the time you read this short update from Clasheen a new decade is well underway! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable festive period and are looking forward to a creative and rewarding 2020.

The eucalypts are growing!

December started well for me with Gifted at the RDS in Dublin, unfortunately I caught a nasty bug there so it’s taken until now to fully recover. I had intended to do some major weeding and tidying up around the house and garden before the new year started but everything got put on hold and I’m only now starting to catch up. Tomorrow is a big day, weather permitting! Approximately 300 new eucalypts will be planted in the lower plot, these are to fill in gaps where attrition occurred and any trees left over I hope to plant in the upper plot or outside the garden studio. The print/dye borders that I planted last summer overwintered very well as did the more mature trees growing behind the house.

Thanks to Aine Gallagher who interviewed me for Liam Kelly’s Culture File on RTE Lyric Fm. Since it was broadcast a couple of weeks ago I’ve had an excellent response to the content and several confirmed bookings for workshops this year. It was interesting listening to how others viewed my practice at Clasheen and made me realise how much I am progressing towards a more sustainable lifestyle. If you’d like to listen back to it yourself here’s the link, my interview starts after about the first 7 mins.

Nicola's interview for Culture File on Lyric Fm

Thanks too to great buddy Dr. Cathy Fitzgerald who recommended that I participate in an online challenge/workshop with Niamh Arthur of Light It Up Video, I can’t believe how much I enjoyed the experience. As a result I’ve decided to post a regular series of mini videos to YouTube. If you’re interested in joining me please click this link and once there I’d be honoured if you decided to subscribe to my channel!

Eco printing workshop

The first 4 workshops of 2020 have already taken place at Clasheen and over the next few weeks I have a succession of private bespoke courses which will require all of my energy. If you’re interested in attending either a hands on workshop in Ireland or a residential course in Portugal, Italy or Australia during this year please visit my workshop page regularly for the latest dates and details. Three group eco printing workshops at the National Heritage Park in Co. Wexford are now open for booking, it’s a wonderful venue and I’m delighted to be returning there. The dates are 28th March, 20th June and 22 August and the March date in the next opportunity to join me for a group class in Ireland.

That’s if for now folks, over and out until my next short update.