SUNrise and MidnightSUN bags

SUNrise and MidnightSUN bags

Here is a photo of the second SUNrise pouch that I made during testing for Sarah last year.
Nicola brown Clasheen SUNrise and MidnightSUN bags
I choose to make this squishy version using the final remnants of Euca. parvifolia eco printed wool and Irish linen that I’d left over from another Sarah’s bag, the MidnightSUN. Believe it or not I’ve actually got two wool vests, one long sleeved wool top and a wool scarf inside this pouch puffing it out while I took a few pics. I can’t believe that it fits so much!
Nicola brown SUNrise and MidnightSUN bags
If you like these bag patterns why not check out Sarah’s online shop.