Kingfisher Top and wet felted scarf

Kingfisher Top and wet felted scarf

Here are some detailed shots of my up-cycled denim Kingfisher Top. I’m thrilled with how it turned out and even happier to discover that this felt scarf which I made quite a few years ago compliments it perfectly!

Nicola brown Kingfisher Top and wet felted scarf

Nicola brown Kingfisher Top

Nicola brown Clasheen Kingfisher Top

This particular scarf was felted during a six day masterclass with Dagmar Binder at Hat in the Cat; Dagmar is a wonderful feltmaker and teacher and Hat in the Cat a wonderful studio!

Nicola brown Clasheen Kingfisher Top and wet felted scarf

Nicola brown wet felted scarf

Nicola brown Clasheen wet felted scarf

If you’d like to learn how to make wet felt why not check out my step by step video tutorial on YouTube?