07 Jan Happy New Year from Clasheen!
Happy New Year from Clasheen, woof from Pip!
2020 and 2021 saw so many changes at home and worldwide that it is impossible to document them here, I am not even going to try. Suffice to say that since COVID-19 became a pandemic my business moved online and behind the scenes I became a part time carer for my mother and another close relative. It’s taken a long time to restructure but I’m happy to say that I can see a clear path forward for the future!
Highlights of 2021 included activating my YouTube channel and releasing my first eBook in the middle of December. Thanks to everyone who had faith in me and ordered ‘Eco Printing in the Dirty Pot’, it’s been wonderful to see the response and already amazing images of work being made by following the simple process that I share are being uploaded to social media! I’ve also set up an eco printing and wet felting group on Facebook so if you’re interested in meeting like minded individuals why not join us there?