09 Aug Bootcamp Day 2 – Rust Water, Eco Printing on Cellulose Fabric, Recommended Vegetation
Thank you so much if you joined me live yesterday or watched session 1 of the bootcamp after the live-stream had ended.
If you’d like to watch the replay before session 2 tonight please click here or the image below.
From my perspective the time just flew by but I hope I didn’t appear too distracted when I discovered that some trolls were advertising porn in the comments section!
Day 2 continues where I left off yesterday, starting with a very quick recap, discussing rust water, printing cellulose fabric, suitable vegetation and sharing tips about how to save it for use when it’s not available fresh.
Here is the link to day 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le08TNIpQlU
Here are some more recent testimonials to whet your appetite.
“I am a feltmaker and was thrilled to find Nicola Brown and her work so I could expand beyond my current knowledge and move into eco printing on my felt. I have taken online workshops with Nicola and found her input and encouragement to be incredibly helpful to further my craft. Although an experienced feltmaker, I recently learned tips from her that I had not heard before. Plus the “dirty pot” techniques appeal to my interest in not using powdered mordants.” Nancy Lauby, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
“Well I found Nicola about 5 yrs ago on facebook, really, she is the reason for my exploration of ecoprinting … came back to it recently and I love seeing the garden and all the trees she has planted. I also am sort of tired of mordants. and would like to incorporate some of the eco printing and felting techniques into my yarn dyeing, etc. Jayne Stuart
I am predominately a felt maker but after taking your course on eco-printing and felting bags it took me to another level for which I am very grateful to you Nicola for your training and expertise. I also found your dirty pot technique very informative and the results were amazing.” Kate Caldwell, New Zealand
That’s it for now, I really look forward to ‘seeing’ many of you again tonight. Don’t be shy with your questions and don’t forget your pen and paper so that you can take notes!
PS Each bootcamp session will be available as a replay afterwards for those who can’t join me live. Everyone who registers to join in the fun will also get a free little thank you gift from me about a week after it’s over! Here’s a link to a timezone converter so you can check what time 6pm BST is where you live. – https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
PPS Please feel free to let your friends know about the bootcamp if you think they would enjoy it. Just forward them this blog or share this link. Thanks!!