sustainable textiles Tag

These outdoor eco printed wool accessories with waterproof bases are finished, although I’m not really sure what to call them! Basically, they are lightweight seat pads to sit on whilst taking a break out hiking or picnicking. The base is waterproof, the top is eco printed...

Eco printing should feel inspiring and creative, not confusing and frustrating! However, maybe you’ve downloaded a guide or tried a tutorial, but still feel like something’s missing when it comes to getting vibrant results from the dirty pot. That's why I've got you covered. I've just opened...

New eco printers, when up-cycling trousers in the dirty pot avoid adding leaves in the crotch area for the best results. ???? Save this tip for future reference. ???? PS Check out this Instagram Reel to see how the trousers in the image looked as I laid out the vegetation!...

As a feltmaker, did you know that there are many studio supplies, items of equipment and other goodies to be found inexpensively in thrift stores, aka op or charity shops? Here is a short video sharing a few of my favourite things to look out...

Calling new eco printers working in the dirty pot without traditional powdered mordents. Here's a tip for future reference! Often, older leaves or windfalls give much more intense colour when eco printing in the dirty pot. In this case, these are windfall Euca. cordata leaves and...