Eco printing in the dirty pot

Eco printing in the dirty pot

I love how beautifully onion skins release their colour on protein based fabrics when eco printing in the dirty pot without traditional powered mordants. This does not mean that this 12.5 momme silk satin scarf isn’t washable or colourfast, it is.

Nicola brown Clasheen Eco printing in the dirty pot

Nicola brown Eco printing in the dirty pot

The colours achieved have a natural brilliance and subtlety that I somehow feel isn’t the same as when working with alum sulphate, the hand of the silk is also softer. Please note that this is my personal opinion, not a reflection on other makers’ work.

Nicola brown Eco printing dirty pot

Nicola brown Clasheen Eco printing dirty pot

My comprehensive eBook explains exactly how you can achieve wonderful results in the dirty pot even as a beginner.